Sunday, September 22, 2024


Ministry of Electricity: Basra to witness electrical stability next year

 Ministry of Electricity: Basra to witness electrical stability next year

The Ministry Spokesman, Musab al-Madrs. Archive Photo

The Ministry Spokesman, Musab al-Madrs. Archive Photo
The Ministry Spokesman, Musab al-Madrs. Archival Photo.

( Baghdad – On Tuesday the Ministry of Electricity announced, that Basra Province will witness the stability of electrical system next year after the introduction of some transformer stations into the province.

The ministry spokesman Musab al-Mudaris mentioned in a statement obtained by, “Next year, Basra Province will witness the stability of electrical system,” adding that, “The department of transformer stations projects is seeking to introduce a new electrical transformer station of 400 k.v into the service in the coming period after completing the overhead lines to connect them to the national grid.”

Mudaris added, “The station will contribute to the support of the national grid while resolving the electricity bottlenecks in the northern regions of the province, in addition to supplying the oil fields with electric power,” pointing out that, “The project is executed by SIEMENS company.”

“We’re working also to implement transformer station project of 400 K.V which is executed by the French company ALSTOM. The new station will resolve the bottlenecks in the national grid in Basra province,” he added.

Noteworthy, most Iraqi provinces are suffering from electrical instability and failures, while these cases increase in summer due to the high levels of consumption.