Sunday, September 29, 2024


Iraqi army kills 8 ISIS elements, dismantles 260 IEDs north of Ramadi

 Iraqi army kills 8 ISIS elements, dismantles 260 IEDs north of Ramadi

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( Anbar Operations Command announced on Sunday the killing of eight ISIS elements as well as the dismantlement of 260 explosive devices north of the city of Ramadi.

The commander of Anbar Operations, Maj. Gen. Ismail al-Mahalawi, said in a brief statement received by, “A force from Anbar Operations, with support from the international coalition aviation, had managed to destroy two booby-trapped vehicles and kill the suicide bombers inside them in the northern axis of the city of Ramadi,” adding also that, “A force from the army had killed eight elements of the ISIS and dismantled 260 explosive devices during an operation to advance into the Euphrates River as well as the international road near Albu Faraj Bridge north of Ramadi.”