Saturday, September 28, 2024


ISIS executes 8 security members in one of Mosul’s prisons

 ISIS executes 8 security members in one of Mosul’s prisons

Archival photo

Archival photo
Archival photo.

( Nineveh – Kurdistan Democratic Party revealed, that the so-called ISIS has executed eight members of the Iraqi security services in the city of Mosul in Nineveh province (405 km north of Baghdad), while pointed out that the executions were carried out in one of the province’s prisons.

Kurdistan Democratic Party’ Spokesman in Mosul Saeed Mamouzini said in a statement obtained by, “Today, ISIS elements executed eight elements of the security personnel in the Iraqi army and local police,” adding that, “The execution took place in one of the province’s prisons using firing squad.”

Noteworthy, ISIS imposed its control over the city of Mosul in Nineveh province (405 km north of Baghdad) in the tenth of June 2014 and extended its activities to several provinces and regions.