Saturday, September 21, 2024


Anbar Operations announces liberating Albu Aitha northeast of Ramadi

 Anbar Operations announces liberating Albu Aitha northeast of Ramadi

Iraqi security forces. File photo.

Iraqi forces. Archival photo.
Iraqi forces. Archival photo.

( al-Anbar – The commander of Anbar Operations Command, Maj. Gen. Ismail al-Mahalawi, announced on Wednesday the complete liberation of the area of Albu Aitha northeast of Ramadi.

Mahalawi said in a brief statement followed by, “The joint security forces managed to liberate the area of Albu Aitha completely and raised the Iraqi flag over one of its buildings,” pointing out that, “The operation resulted in killing a number of ISIS elements.”

He added, “The joint forces gained full control over the area and began to put fortifications in the area.”