Saturday, September 21, 2024


ISIS enslaves 3,500 people in Iraq, says United Nations

 ISIS enslaves 3,500 people in Iraq, says United Nations

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( Baghdad – The United Nations announced on Tuesday, that the ISIS organization currently detains about 3,500 people as slaves mostly Yazidi women and children.

The United Nations said in a report released in Geneva today and followed by, “The ISIS organization is currently detaining about 3,500 people as slaves, most of them are women and children.”

The report added, “The majority of people who have been held by the ISIS organization are women and children who come mainly from the Yazidi community, in addition to other racial and ethnic minorities.”

Noteworthy, ISIS organization has imposed its control over the city of Mosul in Nineveh province (405 km north of Baghdad) in the tenth of June 2014, while extended its activities to several provinces and regions of Iraq.