Monday, September 30, 2024


Anbar Operations announce liberation of Juwiba center east of Ramadi

 Anbar Operations announce liberation of Juwiba center east of Ramadi

Iraqi security forces. File photo.

The security forces. Archival photo.
The security forces. Archival photo.

( Anbar – The commander of Anbar Operations Ismail al-Mahalawi announced on Monday the liberation of Juwiba area east of Ramadi from the so-called ISIS control.

Mahalawi said in a press statement obtained by, “Today, joint forces from the Anti-Terrorism Bureau, Iraqi army and police managed to liberate the center of Juwiba area east of Ramadi from ISIS control,” adding that, “The security forces engaged with ISIS militants in the area, killing a number of them.”

Mahalawi also pointed out, “A large number of hostages were released and evacuated to Ramadi, while the security forces continued their advance to liberate the remaining areas.”