Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Saudi warplanes arrive in Turkey, Ankara supports sending ground troops to Syria

 Saudi warplanes arrive in Turkey, Ankara supports sending ground troops to Syria

Turkish Foreign Minister Mouloud Jawish Ihsanoglu

Turkish Foreign Minister Mouloud Jawish Ihsanoglu
Turkish Foreign Minister Mouloud Jawish Ihsanoglu

(IraqiNews.com) Baghdad – On Saturday, Turkey announced its support to the Saudi proposal regarding the ground operations against ISIS, while pointed out to the arrival of Saudi fighter planes to Incirlik base.

The Turkish Foreign Minister Mouloud Jawish Ihsanoglu said in a press statement followed by IraqiNews.com, “Turkey and Saudi Arabia support the idea of carrying out ground operations against ISIS,” adding that, “Ankara always affirmed that the campaigns carried out by the international coalition against ISIS should be strategic and comprehensive.”

The Turkish foreign minister also pointed out, “Saudi Arabia is currently sending its aircrafts to Incirlik Air Base without indicating its numbers,” noting that, “Riyadh expressed its readiness to send ground troops if necessary.”

Ihsanoglu continued, “Turkey and Saudi Arabia are working on the same approach toward Syria,” pointing out that, “Ankara supported the Saudi initiative to form a military coalition against terrorism.”