Friday, September 20, 2024


Anbar Operations foil ISIS attack on Amiriyet Fallujah

 Anbar Operations foil ISIS attack on Amiriyet Fallujah

The Iraqi security forces. File photo.

The security forces. Archival photo.
The security forces. Archival photo.

( Anbar – The commander of Anbar Operations Major General Ismail al-Mahalawi announced on Saturday, that the security forces foiled the so-called ISIS attack using four booby-trapped vehicles on Amiriyat Fallujah south of Fallujah City.

Mahalawi said in a press statement received by, “Today, a force from the army’s 8th brigade, backed by Amiriyat Fallujah police and al-Hashd al-Shaabi fighters managed to foil ISIS attack on Amiriyat Fallujah.”

“The security forces detonated the booby-trapped vehicles and killed the suicide bombers inside it,” Mahalawi added.