Friday, September 20, 2024


Source: ISIS uses special forces in Sharqat after collapse of defensive lines

 Source: ISIS uses special forces in Sharqat after collapse of defensive lines

Islamic State members. File photo.

Archival photo.
Archival photo.

( Salahuddin – A local source in Salahuddin province said on Thursday, that ISIS used a special force called “the red streaks” after the collapse of the defensive line in the vicinity of Sharqat.

The source said in a statement received by, “A combat force called the red streaks belonging to al-Asra army that forms the special guards of the leader of ISIS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, arrived from Mosul to the vicinity of Sharqat.”

The source, who requested to remain anonymous, added, “The ISIS leadership in Sharqat had employed that force after the collapse of the defensive lines in the past two days as a result of low morale and serious concerns about the approaching security forces and al-Hashed al-Sha’bi [militia] towards Sharqat.”