Saturday, September 28, 2024


U.S. aircraft target special chemical weapons sites for ISIS near Mosul

 U.S. aircraft target special chemical weapons sites for ISIS near Mosul

Archival photo.

Archival photo.
Archival photo.

( U.S. aircraft targeted a chemical weapons sites belonging to ISIS near the city of Mosul in the first stage of the raids that aim at weakening the ability of the ISIS militants on the use of mustard gas, according to the CNN Network.

A report by the CNN Network said: “The US aircraft began targeting special chemical weapons sites for the ISIS near Mosul in northern Iraq,” indicating that, “It is not clear whether the raids, which were carried out in the past few days, had been successful.”

The report added, “A detainee belonging to the ISIS had given vital information that allowed the US army to carry out those [air] strikes.”