Monday, September 30, 2024


Khalediya Council announces killing ISIS military commander east of Ramadi

 Khalediya Council announces killing ISIS military commander east of Ramadi

Iraqi Army Aviation. File photo.

Archival photo.
Archival photo.

( al-Anbar – The president of Khalediya District Council in Anbar province, Ali Dawood, announced on Thursday killing the ISIS military commander in the regions of Albu Shehab and Albu Shgel east of Ramadi.

Dawood said in a statement received by, “The [army’s] Air Force, in coordination with the intelligence [service], bombarded one of the ISIS headquarters in the area of Albu Shehab in Khalediya Island,” adding that, “The bombardment resulted in killing a number of ISIS elements, including the military commander in the regions and Albu Shehab and Albu Shgel, called Abbas Mohammed Abbas and nicknamed Kenaour.”