Friday, September 27, 2024


Source: ISIS terrorists destroy Nineveh historical wall

 Source: ISIS terrorists destroy Nineveh historical wall

Screenshot from ISIS video of terrorists destroying ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud located near Mosul in northern Iraq.

Screenshot from ISIS video of terrorists destroying ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud located near Mosul in northern Iraq.
Archival photo.

( Nineveh – A local source in Nineveh Province announced on Thursday, that the so-called ISIS destroyed the historical wall of Nineveh in northern Mosul, while pointed out that the wall dated back to 2000 years BC.

The source reported for, “This morning, ISIS members destroyed the historical wall of Nineveh in Nirkal neighborhood in northern Mosul using large bulldozers.”

The statement added, “The wall dated back to 2000 years BC.”