Saturday, September 21, 2024


UN Deputy calls Iraq to decide on post-ISIS era, amid protests in Baghdad

 UN Deputy calls Iraq to decide on post-ISIS era, amid protests in Baghdad

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Archival photo.
Archival photo.

( The UN’s Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, Kate Gilmore, called all leaders in Iraq to start deciding on how to achieve rule and order once the ISIS has been defeated.

Gilmore said in a statement obtained by, “There is a worrying absence of a political narrative that brings together all the diverse communities in Iraq, a narrative that includes all the minority communities. This must be urgently addressed.”

She also added, “[Iraqis] are crying out for fairness, recognition, justice, appreciation and meaningful participation in shaping their future; a process that goes forward and not backwards.”

Noteworthy the Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has called for a million-man march in the capital Baghdad, while hundreds of Iraqis are pouring into Baghdad to protest against the government since last month.

“Firm steps must be taken, now, to plan for the day after [ISIS], steps that broaden inclusion and deepen fairness, including through structured local, regional and national dialogue on inclusion, peaceful co-existence and mutual respect,” said Gilmore.