Sunday, September 22, 2024


ISIS forces its members to use drugs & hallucinations pills in Fallujah

 ISIS forces its members to use drugs & hallucinations pills in Fallujah

ISIS elements file photo

ISIS elements file photo
ISIS elements. Archival photo.

( Anbar – The leadership of al-Hashed al-Sha’abi in Anbar Province announced on Monday, that the so-called ISIS forced its members to use drugs and hallucinations pills in the city of Fallujah (62 km west of Baghdad).

The commander of Karmat Fallujah brigade within al-Hashed al-Shaabi, Colonel Khamis Bahr Halbusi, said in a press statement received by, “ISIS forced its militants to use drugs and hallucinations pills in Fallujah, al-Karma District and some areas in Saqlawiyah north of Fallujah.”

Halbusi added, “The dead bodies of ISIS members who were killed in the cleansing battles had been inspected,” pointing out that, “We discovered traces of narcotic pills and drugs in the bodies of ISIS members.”

“ISIS members were forced to use these drugs in order to be unaware of what is happening to them during the attacks,” the statement continued.