Sunday, September 22, 2024


Source: ISIS uses lethal injections to get rid of its wounded fighters in Fallujah

 Source: ISIS uses lethal injections to get rid of its wounded fighters in Fallujah

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Archival photo.
Archival photo.

( Anbar – On Monday, an informed medical source in the city of Fallujah stated, that the so-called ISIS terminated its fighters who were wounded during the latest battles using toxic injections.

The source reported for, “The ISIS terrorist gangs deliberately killed eight of its wounded fighters who were in a hospital in Fallujah City using Potassium Chloride injection that causes the heart to stop suddenly,” adding that, “ISIS killed the wounded members due to its inability to deal with the large number of wounded fighters that will have a negative psychological effect on the other fighters.”

Earlier today the security forces stormed the city of Fallujah from three axes backed by the international coalition aviation, Iraqi Army Aviation and Iraqi Air Force.