Saturday, September 21, 2024


Jabar Yawar condemns abuse on Sunni community in Fajullah

 Jabar Yawar condemns abuse on Sunni community in Fajullah

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Peshmerga Jabbar Yawar

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Peshmerga Jabbar Yawar
The Secretary General of the Ministry of Peshmerga Jabar Yawar. File photo.

( Kurdistan – Secretary-General of the Ministry of Peshmerga in Kurdistan (Iraq) Jabar Yawar on Thursday condemned the recent reported incidents of violations of human rights of civilians belonging to the Sunni community in Fallujah. He stressed on the fact that such an abuse meted upon the civilians cannot be accepted at any cost.

The condemnation was made by Yawar through a statement while he was commenting on the abuses suffered by the civilians on the hands of some groups backed by the Iraqi government.

He stressed on the fact that the Iraqi forces and the al-Hashed al-Sha’bi members must treat the civilians, from the recaptured areas in Anbar province, decently.