Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Home coming of displaced families continue in Jalawla

 Home coming of displaced families continue in Jalawla

Archival photo.

Archival photo.
Archival photo.

( Diyala – Jalawla District Council announced on Sunday that 600 families, displaced of their homes from the district, have returned to their respective homes.


Jalawla’s mayor Yaqoub Yusuf, in a statement issued to the media, said, “Over 600 displaced families, who were displaced from their homes, have returned back in four different areas of Jalawla-70 km northeast of Baqubah. This is the the 17th batch to have returned to the district.”

Yusuf added, “The total number of families that returned to Jalawla district since the start of the program to return the displaced exceeded 7,000 families.”