Friday, September 20, 2024


Maliki in Sulaimaniya, to meet Kurdish officials

 Maliki in Sulaimaniya, to meet Kurdish officials

Nouri al-Maliki. File photo.

Nuri al-Maliki. File photo.
Nouri al-Maliki. File photo.

( BAGHDAD- Member of Parliament Masood Haider announced on Saturday that the head of State of Law Coalition, Nouri al-Maliki will visit Sulaimaniyah today for a meeting with Kurdish officials.

Haider, in an interview with Iraqi News, said, “Our information indicate that al-Maliki will arrive in Sulaimaniya today, visiting former President Jalal Talabani,” further adding,” al-Maliki will meet with officials from the Movement for Change and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.”

“The meeting will discuss the situation between the federal government and the Kurdistan region, as well as the general situation in Iraq,” Haider added.

It may be mentioned here that Maliki on June 28 announced his support to the political agreement between the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Party and the Movement for Change, saying that the agreement will contribute to the solution of disputes between the Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government.