Saturday, September 21, 2024


Mosul residents clash with ISIS members

 Mosul residents clash with ISIS members

ISIS members in the streets of an Iraqi city.

ISIS members in the streets of an Iraqi city.
ISIS members in the streets of an Iraqi city.

( NINEVEH- A local source in Nineveh province announced on Sunday that armed clashes have erupted between Mosul denizens and ISIS members and further informed that the denizens raised the Iraqi flag and killed about four ISIS members.

Informing in details about the incident, the source seeking anonymity said, “The residents of Bab al-Jadid in the center of Nineveh, this evening, took up arms against the ISIS members and killed two of its members apart from destroying two cars of the organization.”

Informing more, the source said, “The residents of Hamam al-Alil city clashed with ISIS fighters in the city center-25 km south of Nineveh-and gunned down three fighters.”