Saturday, September 21, 2024


Turkish warplanes hit PKK headquarters in northern Iraq

 Turkish warplanes hit PKK headquarters in northern Iraq

Turkish fighter jets. File Photo.

Turkish airplanes. File Photo.
Turkish airplanes. File Photo.

( Erbil – Turkish warplanes today carried out a number of air strikes on the headquarters of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in northern Iraq.

Sharing details a military source said, “Turkish warplanes attacked PKK rebels in the Sinath-Haftanin region at northern Iraq, resulting in the death of a number of Kurdish fighters.”

“The strikes followed a PKK attack on Turkish soldiers in Uludere, Sirnak province, in which four soldiers were killed and nine injured,” the source added.

Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) resumed its 30-year armed campaign against Turkey in July 2015 and since then over 600 Turkish security personnel and more than 7,000 PKK fighters have been killed.