Friday, September 20, 2024


PKK support from Moscow and Tehran hangs in the balance

 PKK support from Moscow and Tehran hangs in the balance

PKK members. File Photo

PKK members. File Photo
PKK members. File Photo

( Erbil – A source in Erbil informed that the latest changes in the region have forced Turkey to reconsider its policy in the Middle East and reach for an agreement with Russia and Iran over the situation in Syria.

As per information shared by the source it can be said that according to the agreement Turkey needs to stop supporting the Sunni opposition forces in Syria and re-build its relation with the Syrian government.

“Turkey has in return demanded Russia and Iran to give up on Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and avoid supporting the Kurdish self-ruled administration in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava),” informed the source quoting Basnews.

“Turkey has discussed the Syrian Kurdish cantons with Iran and Russia to find out a strategy to dissolute the nascent self-ruled administration led by the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD). Turkey and Russia however have lost power over the region and it is now being supported by the US, therefore they should come up with a solution along with the US,” the source further added quoting Basnews.

It may be mentioned here that Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan visited Russia earlier this month and met with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and both the nation heads agreed on different issues revolving around Syria and PKK.

Sources informed that Iran has also agreed to Turkey’s demand of desisting from backing PKK if Turkey reconsiders its policy in Syria and begins to support the Syrian government.

It is worth mentioning here that PKK is active in the areas under PUK control, but the security forces in Sulaymaniyah have recently warned PKK to avoid any activities in the region without their permission; or else the PKK will have to face legal punishment.