Friday, September 20, 2024


84.3 percent of Kurds support independent Kurdistan

 84.3 percent of Kurds support independent Kurdistan

84% of Kurdish people support Independence according to a survey.

84% of Kurdish people support Independence according to a survey.
Kurdish people in Kurdistan Region after the survey results were declared.

( Erbil — A survey conducted by the American University of Kurdistan (AUK) at Duhok’s Center for Peace and Human Security and the Institute of Media and Political Research (IMPR) revealed on Saturday that 84.3% of people living within Iraqi-Kurdistan support Kurdish independence, and 87% of people living in the disputed territories want their areas to join Kurdistan Region’s borders.

“The primary objective behind this survey was to evaluate the level of public support for Iraqi-Kurdistan’s independence referendum, which is expected to take place in the coming months. A total of 6,065 samples in different areas of Kurdistan Region were collected from Kurds and non-Kurds as well,” stated the survey report.

“The results showed that 83.1% of the people residing in the Kurdistan Region provinces will participate in the referendum, and 82.8% will vote in favor of independence,” the survey report added.

The survey further stated, “Regarding the disputed areas, 87% of Kurdish participants wish their areas to be annexed to Kurdistan, while 89.4% would participate in the referendum and 89.1% will vote in favor of independence. Additionally, 75.4% of the participants in the disputed areas believe that the timing for declaring independence is right, and 83.1% would support the call for independence.”

Moreover, 98% of Yezidis in the IDP camps in Duhok province stated that they want their areas to join Kurdistan Region and would vote in favor of an independent Kurdistan.