Friday, September 20, 2024


Barzani believes Mosul could be retaken before the end of 2016

 Barzani believes Mosul could be retaken before the end of 2016

President of the Kurdistan region in Iraq, Massoud Barzani

The head of the Kurdistan region in Iraq, Massoud Barzani
The President of the Kurdistan region in Iraq, Massoud Barzani.

( Baghdad – The President of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, announced, that the military plans to retake Mosul from the ISIS control are ready, and expected Mosul to be liberated by the end of this year.

Barzani said in a television interview with “France 24”, “There were several meetings between the leaders of Peshmerga and Iraqi army leaders, and they finally agreed on a military plan and the role of each party,” adding that, “The Iraqi army and Peshmerga forces will launch the operation backed by the international coalition forces.”

Barzani also believed that Mosul could be retaken before the end of 2016.

“This province is a mosaic of religions and ethnic groups, and a real tragedy has occurred there, in particular for the Christians and Yazidis; we need a guarantee that such tragedies cannot happen again,” Barzani said.