Friday, September 20, 2024


New ISIS video ‘Inferno of the Apostates’ document outfit’s massacres in Iraq

[wpvideo mGqr6NA3]

( Baghdad – A new video was released by ISIS titled The Inferno of the Apostates document a new massacre committed by the terror group against Iraqi soldiers in Wiliayat in North Baghdad.

The footage shows what was claimed by ISIS to be attacks against the headquarters and positions of the Iraqi Army and al-Hashd al-Shaabi, and a mass execution of Iraqi soldiers by firing shooting them inside a mass grave, while the narrator threatened the international coalition countries.

Other footage also shows the explosions of a number of military vehicles by improvised explosive devices placed by ISIS, and what appears to be snipers shooting soldiers at military checkpoints.

A number of ISIS members wearing Iraqi army uniform also appeared in the video while storming into houses, were they arrested a number of people and shot them dead.

The video also shows clashes between the ISIS members and Iraqi forces in different areas north of Baghdad.