Wednesday, September 25, 2024


ISIS slaughters 25 civilians in Nineveh

 ISIS slaughters 25 civilians in Nineveh

ISIS publicly executing Iraqi man. File photo

ISIS publicly executing Iraqi man. File photo
ISIS publicly executing Iraqi man. File photo

( Nineveh – A local source in Nineveh province informed Iraqi News on Saturday that the ISIS beheaded 25 civilians in Nineveh massacre.

Sharing details the source said, “ISIS today committed a new crime against the civilians as it slaughtered 25 civilians in a way of slaughtering animals. The civilians were first transferred from a prison in Nineveh and later slaughtered in the province. The civilians were first hanged by their legs with hands handcuffed and then their throats were slit, separating their heads from the bodies.”

The source seeking anonymity, added, “ISIS killed the civilians, charging them with charges of cooperating with the Iraqi forces. The outfit later threw them in a hole.”