Saturday, September 21, 2024


ISIS drone kills 2 Peshmerga fighters and wounds 2 French soldiers in Iraq

 ISIS drone kills 2 Peshmerga fighters and wounds 2 French soldiers in Iraq

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Representational photo.
Representational photo.

( Baghdad – Two French soldiers were badly wounded and two Peshmerga fighters were killed in Iraq by a booby-trapped drone sent by a group related to the Islamic State group (ISIS), Le Monde reported on Tuesday.

Le Monde stated, “The attack took place in 2 October 2016, and the device was intercepted while flying and exploded after landing on the ground,” adding that, “It is the attack by Islamic State militants on French Special Forces using a drone.”

“The two French soldiers were transferred to receive medical treatment in France. One of them is between life and death, while other French soldiers were lightly wounded by the explosion,” Le Monde wrote.

France has nearly 500 soldiers in Iraq as part of a US-led coalition against ISIS militants, and these soldiers include special forces that were training Kurdish Peshmerga forces north of the country.