Friday, September 20, 2024


US: Foreign forces should be in Iraq with Baghdad’s approval

 US: Foreign forces should be in Iraq with Baghdad’s approval

Representational photo.

Representational photo.
Representational photo.

( Baghdad – Foreign troops in Iraq should be there with the approval of the central government in Baghdad and under the umbrella of the anti-ISIS international coalition, the U.S. State Department said on Wednesday.

“It is imperative for all parties to coordinate closely over the coming days and weeks to ensure unity of effort in defeating ISIS, and to provide for the lasting security of the Iraqi people,” the State Department said.

Tension between Turkey and Iraq increased over the presence of about 2,000 Turkish troops at Bashiqa base north of Iraq, as Iraqi security forces backed by the international coalition troops prepare for an offensive on the ISIS-held city of Mosul.

Yesterday, tension escalated between the Turkish President and Iraqi Prime Minister, when Erdogan told Haider al-Abadi to know his limits, and added that Turkey would continue to do what is necessary in Iraq.

Meanwhile, Abadi responded to Erdogan’s remarks and said, “We are not your enemy, and we will liberate our land through the determination of our men and not by video calls.”