Saturday, September 21, 2024


Mosul offensive: Peshmerga forces recapture Imam Reda village and Khorsabad road

 Mosul offensive: Peshmerga forces recapture Imam Reda village and Khorsabad road

Iraqi security forces. File photo.

Iraqi security forces. File photo.
Iraqi security forces. File photo.

( Nineveh – Peshmerga forces Command announced on Thursday, that its forces recaptured Imam Reda village in Bashiqa city, and continued its advance toward the center of the city.

The Command said in a press statement, “Peshmerga forces liberated Imam Reda village in Bashiqa city,” adding that, “The ISIS militants are collapsing while security forces are advancing toward the center of the city.”

Also, Spokesman for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in Nineveh, Gayath al-Sourji revealed, “Peshmerga forces also regained control over the strategic intersection of Khorsabad road in al-Shalalat area, north of Nineveh.”

“ISIS planted explosive devices and bombs in these road to hinder the advance of Peshmerga forces and Iraqi army in the battle to liberate Nineveh,” Sourji added.

Sourij declared that the security forces will recapture important areas in Bashiqa and Bartella in the coming hours.