Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIS grants $400 to reward family of suicide bomber

 ISIS grants $400 to reward family of suicide bomber

ISIS member. File photo

ISIS member. File photo
ISIS member. File photo

( Nineveh – Militants of the Islamic State extremist group visited a family and grant them 400 US dollars as a reward, after their son blew up himself in the city of Qayyarah, near Mosul, while the suicide bomber’s mother said that the group deceived her son via religious speeches, Rudaw reported on Monday.

The suicide bomber, Abdel Baqi Mohamed, is from al-Fadiliyah village in Bashiqa area. He blew up himself targeting the security forces in Qayyarah area, and then the extremist group’s militants delivered his suicide documents to his family, Rudaw added.

Abdel Baqi’s mother said that her son was working at the Industrial Zone in Mosul before the work stop there, and his friend joined the ISIS one year ago. She added that the group deceived her son religious speeches at mosques, then took him to Mosul and prepare him for four months.

The mother also said that she doesn’t know where her son was buried, and after few days of his death an ISIS Emir visited them and gave them a letter and 400 US dollars as a reward.

“In order to make the family believe that Abdel Baqi was killed, the ISIS Emir gave them a video showing Abdel Baqi standing in front of a vehicle and say that he is going to heaven,” Rudaw stated.