Friday, September 20, 2024


Video: Damage left by ISIS in Hamdaniyah after setting buildings ablaze

 Video: Damage left by ISIS in Hamdaniyah after setting buildings ablaze

Representational photo.

( Nineveh – Ministry of Defense media channel released a video on Tuesday showing the damage left by the self-proclaimed Islamic State in the district of Hamdaniyah, before being defeated by the army’s 9th Armored Brigade.

The video revealed that the ISIS set civilians’ houses, government’s buildings, oil and vehicles tires ablaze to block the vision of Iraqi Army Aviation that targets the group’s headquarters and hideouts.

Hamdaniyah district, which is located to the south of the city of Mosul, is one of the districts inhabited by Christian majority, in addition to villages inhabited by Yazidis and Shabak, who suffered several brutal acts by the ISIS terrorist gangs.

The video also declared that the Islamic state members robbed the contents of the civilians’ houses and destroyed infrastructure in the district, before setting the buildings ablaze.

Despite the damage left by the ISIS in the district, Hamdaniyah residents celebrated the liberation, and formed Hashd Masehi (Christian militia) to control and protect the area, as well as providing support to the security forces and allowing them to advance and chase the remaining ISIS members.