Tuesday, September 24, 2024


UN: ISIS executes 60 civilians in Mosul on charges of treason and conspiracy

 UN: ISIS executes 60 civilians in Mosul on charges of treason and conspiracy

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Representational photo.
Representational photo.

(IraqiNews.com) Nineveh – The United Nations announced on Friday, that the self-proclaimed Islamic State executed 60 residents of the city of Mosul three days ago and hung their bodies on electricity poles, on charges of treason and conspiracy, and added that the group started to recruit youths as suicide bombers in the war against security forces.

The United Nations revealed that last Tuesday, ISIS terrorist gangs executed 40 civilians in Mosul, on charges of treason and conspiracy, then hung their bodies on electricity poles in the city, as well as killing another 20 civilians by firing squad for sharing information with security forces.

The Islamic State started to recruit youths and teens as suicide bombers in the streets of Mosul, the UN added.

The UN also declared that the ISIS announced in 6 November 2016, executing six of his fighters for fleeing battles in Mosul toward Kokjli, pointing out that security forces also discovered a mass grave containing 100 bodies in Hamam al-Alil.

The extremist group is also stacking huge quantities of ammonia and Sulphur in the city of Mosul, and these quantities are expected to be used by the group as chemical weapons, the UN said.