Sunday, September 22, 2024


16800 troops readied to retake ISIS Kirkuk holdouts

 16800 troops readied to retake ISIS Kirkuk holdouts

ISIS executed men in Hawija by firing squad.

ISIS executed men in Hawija by firing squad.
Krikuk ( More than 16800 soldiers and volunteer combatants have been prepared to retake Islamic State (ISIS)-held towns in southwest of Kirkuk, a security source has told Alsumaria News.

The forces are comprised of personnel from the ministries of defense and interior, as well as from al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization) volunteers, said the source, adding that they are all from Iraq’s Arab sect and “fully prepared to set on the liberation battle.”

“They had all been well-trained by experts from the (US-led) international coalition,” the source added.

“Al-Hashd al-Shaabi in Hawija comprises 2800 of locals, and the expansion of that force is under way so as for it to have a role in liberating and taking hold of territory,” the source stated, adding that security authorities maintains a database of ISIS leaderships and affiliates in the targeted regions.

“The timing of the operation remains up to the government and and the Joint Operations Command,” the source explained.

Al-Zab, al-Abbasi, al-Riyadh, al-Rashad and Hawija are all Kirkuk precincts remaining under ISIS control and are all launching points for attacks on several provinces.