Saturday, September 21, 2024


Coalition conducts 18 airstrikes against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria

 Coalition conducts 18 airstrikes against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria

US-led coalition aircraft. File photo.

US-led coalition aircraft. File photo.
US-led coalition aircraft. File photo.

Baghdad ( The Joint Task Force announced, that the international coalition air force recently carried out 18 air strikes against the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria.

The Joint Task Force revealed in a press statement, “Today, international coalition air force conducted an air strike in Fallujah, destroying a building belonging to the Islamic State,” adding that, “Another air strike was carried out near Haditha, destructing a tactical unit and a building used by the terrorist group.”

“A third air strike was conducted near Mosul and destroyed five building used by the Islamic State, as well as destructing large quantities of weapons and equipment,” the statement added.

“In Syria, the coalition air force carried out three air strikes near the city of Ayn Eissa, destroying a building and two supply lines,” the statement explained.

“Another air strike near Deir ez Zour caused damage to an oil refinery,” the statement further added.

Moreover, the Joint Task Force declared that the coalition air force carried out dozens of air strikes in the city of Palmyra, resulting in the destruction of 14 tanks, 3 artillery weapons, buildings, 2 vehicles and an anti-aircraft weapon belonging to the Islamic State.