Monday, September 23, 2024


Anbar offers Jordan-Baghdad road to foreign security companies

 Anbar offers Jordan-Baghdad road to foreign security companies

Treibil border crossing between Iraq and Jordan.

Treibil border crossing between Iraq and Jordan.
Anbar ( Officials at Anbar governorate plan to offer foreign security companies opportunities at a highway linking Baghdad with Jordan.

Fahad al-Rashed, chairman of the government’s border crossings committee, said Monday that the highway between Baghdad and Amman will be offered to foreign security companies, adding that “the US and UK sides will be involved in that issue,” as he put it.

The area to be entrusted to foreign security bidders extends from al-Soqour precinct toTreibil border crossing with Jordan.

The purpose behind tightening security on the highway is to open the closed Treibil border crossing, according to Eid al-Karbouli, a spokesperson of Anbar governorate’s council.

“Life has stalled in Anbar due to the closure of Treibil crossing, and the reopening of the crossing will refresh Anbar’s, and Iraq’s, economy, and will secure jobs for thousands of people, especially truck drivers,” Karbouli stated.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi had announced that the highway between Baghdad and Amman would be reopened sooner.