Saturday, September 21, 2024


‘The Procession of Light’… first execution video released by IS in 2017

 ‘The Procession of Light’… first execution video released by IS in 2017

The Islamic State.

Nineveh ( The self-proclaimed Islamic State group released the first video in 2017, titled “The Procession of Light.” The video was released on the Islamic State’s terrorist channels by the so-called the media office of Wilayat Ninewa on January 3.

The video starts with footage of multiple suicide attacks, using booby-trapped vehicles and improvised explosive devices, carried out by the Islamic State in Mosul. The attacks are carried out by young men, who are interviewed by Islamic State videographers before conducting suicide attacks.

After that, the narration moves outside of Mosul to show the Islamic State’s militants while fighting with the US-led international coalition forces.

Later, a wheelchair-bound IS militant carries out suicide car bombing after giving an interview.

More suicide attacks are shown before the execution part of the video, where two men, who were accused of being spies and collaborating with Iraqi forces, are executed.

The first man is seated while handcuffed and interviewed, then he was taken to a rooftop and beheaded by a black hooded and masked IS executioner.

The second man was drowned in a fish tank containing water and ‘Dettol’ while audio of his alleged spying activities is played over his execution.

The video is the first execution video to be released in 2017. The last ISIS execution video was released in late December and featured two Turkish soldiers being burned alive outside of al-Bab, Syria.