Friday, September 20, 2024


Drones shot down, 35 militants killed in Mosul

 Drones shot down, 35 militants killed in Mosul

Representational photo.

Representational photo.
Nineveh ( Three drones guided by Islamic State militants were brought down and 35 group members were killed in Mosul on Thursday, Iraqi police and paramilitary forces said as operations continue to recapture the city from militants.

Federal Police services said three drones were brought down before they attacked security locations in the eastern section of the city.

In western Mosul, a local source told Alsumaria News that al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) had killed 35 Islamic State combatants who waged an attack on a PMU location near the strategic town of Tal Afar.

The deaths included an IS senior recruitment agent, nicknamed Abu Qaswara al-Shami.

Iraqi commanders said earlier this week they had recaptured 60 percent of the city’s eastern section. IS still maintains hideouts in the west close to its strongholds in Syria, but Iraqi generals and allied militia leaders say the group has become isolated from Syria and Iraq.

Security officials estimate the number of remaining IS combatants by 6000. But those are fighting against at least 100.000 government and militia soldiers.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said in December the battle for Mosul was entering a “decisive” stage, and predicted that the operations could realize final victory within two months.
Liberating Mosul, IS last outstanding stronghold in Iraq, could deal a final fatal blow to group’s influence in the country.