Monday, September 23, 2024


Islamic State burn 10 civilians dead for treason, kill 7 members for fleeing

 Islamic State burn 10 civilians dead for treason, kill 7 members for fleeing

Islamic State execution (representational photo)

Final moments: The flames race through the fuel towards the men and horrifically burn them to death

Nineveh ( Islamic State militants have burned a number of civilians to death for collaborating with security forces, while executing members for escaping the city, a military source said Wednesday.

DPA quoted Col. Khaled al-Jawari as saying that the group burned 20 civilians to death over charges of providing information about the group to security forces via cell phones. The execution was carried out before a watching crowd in Wadi Hajar, south of Mosul, according to the military officer.

Meanwhile, the agency also quoted locals in Mosul’s western region as saying that Islamic State executed seven of its fighters after they attempted to flee one of its secret camps in the region.

Since it occupied large areas of Iraq in 2014, Islamic State has posted movies of heinous executions of civilians, security personnel, and foreign workers over multiple charges. Some of the executions were even carried out by little children.

Since encounters with Iraqi security forces began in mid October, there have been several reports about the group executing members for fleeing battlefields and civilians for collaboration with police and army troops.

Iraqi government forces recaptured eastern Mosul on January 24th after three months of battles, and are preparing to invade the western region to consummate the liberation of Mosul which fell in IS grip in 2014.