Sunday, September 22, 2024


IS issue death warrant for fleeing leader, alarmed by hostile graffiti

 IS issue death warrant for fleeing leader, alarmed by hostile graffiti

Islamic State in Mosul.

Islamic State in Mosul.
Nineveh ( The Islamic State has issued a death warrant for a senior leader who escaped battles against security forces in Mosul Airport, and alerted members over hostile graffiti painted in streets in the western region.

A local source told Alsumaria News on Wednesday that Islamic State ordered members to kill “Abu Osama” once found. He was the organization official at al-Ghizlani military camp, a strategic IS bastion which Iraqi government forces invaded on Tuesday.

A source had told Alsumaria News earlier on Wednesday that IS already executed nine members over collapses in the group’s defense lines in Ghizlani.

On Tuesday, news reports quoted Federal Police chief, Shaker Jawdat, as saying that intense bombardment on the airport had killed dozens of IS fighters and forced the group to withdraw from the facility. The forces had captured the al-Bouseif hills overlooking the airport and invaded the Ghizlani military camp which stretches nearby.

The Iraqi government declared Sunday it had launched a new, decisive stage of operations against Islamic State in western Mosul, having retaken the eastern region late January after three months of battles. Mosul is IS’s largest urban stronghold in Iraq, and its recapture would be critical in ending the group’s existence in Iraq.

Meanwhile, another local source told Alsumaria News that IS members invaded three districts in western Mosul, including Islah al-Zerai, after they found hostile graffiti directed against the group and painted on the walls at some streets.

A graffiti spraypainted on a wall in a Mosul street reading down with the Islamic State.

“Death to Daesh (IS), down with the Islamic State,” read some of the phrases, said the source, who revealed that the group arrested 20 people in relation to the incident.