Sunday, September 22, 2024


Islamic State’s defeat is “inevitable: PM Abadi says during Mosul visit

 Islamic State’s defeat is “inevitable: PM Abadi says during Mosul visit

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi during a tour with security troops in western Mosul to check on progress in battles against Islamic State.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi during a tour with security troops in western Mosul to check on progress in battles against Islamic State.
Nineveh ( The defeat of Islamic State militants in Mosul is “inevitable”, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Tuesday during a tour of military deployments in western Mosul as operations proceed to clear the region from the extremist group.

“Iraqis will get out of this battle with their heads up high,” he was quoted by Iraqi media reports as saying during a tour that included the Mosul Airport, a major Islamic State bastion recaptured by the government forces last month.

Abadi is scheduled to head to Kurdistan Region after his Mosul visit, according to reports.

Abadi’s visit to Mosul comes shortly after the Joint Operations Command said Tuesday its forces recaptured a major government complex as well as the Turkish consulate building in western Mosul from IS militants. The complex contains a courthouse, a main branch of the central bank and a police department besides other government agencies. Iraqi generals its recapture will put the battle’s outcome in their favor.

A photo published by Iraqi police forces showing the vicinity of the Nineveh Governorate building, a part of a government complex in western Mosul retaken by the forces from the Islamic State

A photo published by Iraqi police forces showing the courthouse, a part of a government complex in western Mosul retaken by the forces from the Islamic State

Iraqi troops took over eastern Mosul in January and launched a new offensive to take the western region in February. Iraqi security officials and others from the allied U.S.-led coalition predicted the city to be fully liberated within six months from the start of the campaign.