Sunday, September 22, 2024


PMUs kill 3 IS militants, arrest 2 linked to prison massacre in western Mosul

 PMUs kill 3 IS militants, arrest 2 linked to prison massacre in western Mosul

Pro-Iraqi government paramilitary forces, al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units)

Pro-Iraqi government paramilitary forces, al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units)
Nineveh ( Pro-Iraqi government paramilitary forces said Sunday they killed three Islamic State militants and arrested two others at their area of operations in western Mosul.

Al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) said through their media that the force launched rockets and killed three IS militants who were moving within their area of operations in western Mosul. The statement did not specify the exact location of the strike.

The outlet also on Sunday said the force arrested two Islamic State members suspected of standing behind a massacre that left hundreds of prisoners dead at a western Mosul prison facility.
Al-Hashd reported on Saturday its fighters had arrested 87 in relation to the massacre at Badush Prison.

In 2014, the United Nations said the Badush Prison was a stage for a massacre that coincided with Islamic State’s takeover of Mosul. The group was believed to have stormed the facility, assorted prisoners based on their religious affiliations, and later executed at least 670 Shia inmates, an action which the U.N. said amounted to a crime against humanity.

The PMUs said Saturday they ran into a mass grave in Badush believed to contain the relics of 500 victims from the massacre.

Iraqi forces have recently recaptured several villages around Badush. The government launched an offensive in February to clear western Mosul frol IS. The eastern region was retaken in January.