Sunday, September 22, 2024


UPDATED: Iraqi forces partially recapture central Mosul district, kill 20 militants

 UPDATED: Iraqi forces partially recapture central Mosul district, kill 20 militants

A member of the Iraqi rapid response forces fires during a battle with Islamic State militants at the Tigris river frontline near Mosul, Iraq, January 25, 2017. REUTERS/Ahmed Jadallah

A member of the Iraqi rapid response forces fires during a battle with Islamic State militants at the Tigris river frontline near Mosul, Iraq, January 25, 2017. REUTERS/Ahmed Jadallah
Nineveh ( Iraqi government forces recaptured Monday a large part of a district in Mosul’s Old City as operations proceed to clear the west of the city from Islamic State militants.

Maan al-Saadi, a senior commander at the army’s Counter-Terrorism Force, was quoted saying troops recaptured al-Neft neighborhood, an area inside Mosul al-Jadida district. He said his forces were moving in four directions to recapture the whole district within a few hours.

He said troops were advancing towards a railway station, an oil company facility and parts of al-Senaie (industrial) neighborhood.

Saadi’s announcement was followed by a similar statement by the Joint Operations Command, which said forces also invaded al-Mowazzafin neighborhood.

Captain Jabbar Hassan, from the Iraqi army, told Anadolu Agency that the forces had killed 20 militants during battles at al-Neft neighborhood. He said troops, backed by Apache fighters from the international coalition, has engaged in “street fights” at the Old City’s narrow streets which, he said, were difficult to enter with military vehicles.

Iraqi generals have labeled Old Mosul as a major target of operations in western Mosul that could be decisive in realizing victory against IS there.

Iraqi government forces recaptured eastern Mosul from Islamic State on january 24th after three months of battles, and recently said they became in control of 30 percent of western Mosul since another offensive launched in February.

Iraqi troops have made remarkable victories in the west by recapturing major government facilities, a military base and the city’s airport. Saadi said Sunday troops became in control over a third of western Mosul.

The conflict in Mosul has forced nearly 100.000 civilians to flee homes in the western side, putting the total of refugees displaced in the whole city well beyond 250.000.