Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurdistan Independence Not a Conspiracy Against Iraq: Peshmerga Commander

 Kurdistan Independence Not a Conspiracy Against Iraq: Peshmerga Commander

Flag of Kurdistan region.

Kurdistan Independence Not a Conspiracy Against Iraq: Peshmerga Commander
Flag of Kurdistan region.

(BasNews) The establishment of a Kurdish independent state should not be interpreted as a conspiracy plan against Baghdad, said a Kurdish Peshmerga commander.

“This [Kurdistan independence] is a case that we can negotiate with Baghdad until we reach a mutual understanding,” Sheikh Jafaar Sheikh Mustafa, who also is a politburo member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), told BasNews.

Without providing any details, he stated that other options will be available for Kurds if Baghdad rejects the case.

Mustafa believes that a sovereign Kurdish state will guarantee stronger relations with the Iraqi government in comparison to the current ties which has left no hope for a solution of the prolonged issues.

Mustafa’s remarks follow a statement by Ala Tallabani, the head of PUK faction in the Iraqi parliament, who said that Kurdistan independence is a conspiracy plan against the sovereignty of Iraq.