Saturday, September 21, 2024


PM Barzani: There Will Be a Referendum on Independence This Year

 PM Barzani: There Will Be a Referendum on Independence This Year

Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani

PM Barzani: There Will Be a Referendum on Independence This Year
Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani

Erbil (BasNews) The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani says the Kurdistan Region will hold a referendum on independence this year.

When asked by Trudy Rubin from the American Philly website about the referendum on Kurdistan Region independence, Barzani said “there will be a referendum this year. No question,” noting that “the outcome doesn’t mean we will immediately embark but it will show the international community what the population wants.”

It’s time for Washington to refocus on the future of the Iraqi Kurds since they have the closest relationship with the US in the Middle East after Israel, Rubin said, adding that Kurdistan Region is currently the most stable and tolerant part of Iraq, and it has become a refuge for Christians and other minorities fleeing the Islamic State (IS).

During the battle against IS, the Kurdish Peshmerga forces have reclaimed many disputed areas which they consider theirs, including the city of Kirkuk.

“We can’t go back to the old days,” says Barzani, arguing that “Iraq after Mosul is not the same as Iraq before Mosul.”

Regarding Kurdistan’s secession from Iraq, Barzani said “our position is to have a serious dialogue with Baghdad and come to an amicable solution,” reiterating that there has been “no progress at all” in meetings between the top Kurdish and Iraqi officials.

PM Barzani further noted that “if the Americans want a united Iraq, in practical terms it doesn’t exist anymore,” adding that “if they want stability, they have to deal with the core issue of Kurdistan.”