Sunday, September 22, 2024


Mosul refugees up to 433.000, 12 kids die of cholera

 Mosul refugees up to 433.000, 12 kids die of cholera

Iraqi refugees in Mosul (Reuters)

Iraqi refugees in Mosul (Reuters)
Mosul ( The war against Islamic State militants in Mosul has displaced 433.000 since operations launched in October to retake the city, according to the Iraqi government.

More than 200.000 people were displaced from the city’s western side alone since operations sat out in February to retake that region, the Ministry of Migration and Displacement said Sunday.

The United Nations had predicted that operations in Mosul could displace at least 400.000 civilians, and said upon the launch of Mosul battles in October that a total of 1.5 million could leave homes.

Meanwhile, Diaa Tahan, a doctor at the Nineveh health department, said 12 children died due to cholera infections and drought at areas under IS control in western Mosul. He added that 78 were in serious condition due to the infection, citing water contamination, poor environmental conditions, and medicine shortages as reasons behind the spread of diseases.

The Iraqi government had said that more than 4 millions were displaced since Islamic State emerged in 2014 to declare the establishment of an “Islamic Caliphate”. Reports have been recurrent about IS execution of civilians for either attempting to flee to refugee camps or collaborating with security forces. Medical and foodstuff shortages have been routinely made since the start of the refugee crisis.