Saturday, September 21, 2024


PYD committed over 300 violations since 2014: Report

 PYD committed over 300 violations since 2014: Report

Democratic Union Party members.

PYD committed over 300 violations since 2014: Report
Democratic Union Party members.

Erbil (BasNews) As of January 2017, the ruling Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) has committed 311 violations against civilians, journalists and political parties, according to a survey.

In a detailed report, published by the alliance of PYD’s opposition parties on Sunday, PYD, an offshoot of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), has been involved in human rights violations and is striving for monopolizing the power.

The survey by Kurdish National Council of Syria (ENKS) sorts various violations by PYD and its paramilitary units against civilians, journalists, political parties, with reference to their names, locations and the date and nature of the violation.

Most of the accusations include abduction and arrest of individuals as well as preventing social and party activities.

However, the report also refers to cases of torture and killing of civilians who criticized PYD, closing down media outlets, abducting journalists, offending civilians, recruiting youth for military services by force and confiscating personal or state buildings.

Other accusations against the party are expelling, apprehending activists and sometimes issuing travel ban for them as well as not allowing for humanitarian organization to offer assistance to the locals.

Almost all offices of ENKS were shut down in Rojava and tens of their members were either arrested or expelled by PYD.