Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurdistan Region’s decision most suitable solution for its situation: German FM

 Kurdistan Region’s decision most suitable solution for its situation: German FM

Sigmar Gabriel, the German vice-chancellor and foreign minister and President of Kurdistan Region Masoud Barzani.

Kurdistan Region's decision most suitable solution for its situation: German FM
Sigmar Gabriel, the German vice-chancellor and foreign minister and President of Kurdistan Region Masoud Barzani.

Erbil (BasNews) Sigmar Gabriel, the German vice-chancellor and foreign minister, said that a referendum on Kurdistan Region’s independence is an internal issue which should be discussed by Bghadad and Erbil.

The German foreign minister met with Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani earlier today. A press conference followed the meeting in which both leaders highlighted the significant support the German government has been providing to the Kurdistan Region during the battle against the Islamic State (IS).

Gabriel stated that the immense sacrifice and bravery of the Peshmerga forces encouraged Germany to deliver weapons to the Kurdistan Region while it was illegal in Germany to send weapons to the war zones.

We have frequently stated that the Islamic State is not only a threat to Kurdistan Region, Iraq or Syria, it is also a threat to Germany and the whole Europe.

The German official lauded the efforts Kurdistan Region has been making in the war against IS and hosting a large number of IDPs and refugees.

Regarding the anticipated referendum on Kurdistan Region’s independence, Gabriel said it is an internal issue between Erbil and Baghdad, adding that Kurdistan Region’s decision is the most suitable solution for its situation.