Monday, September 23, 2024


In photos: IS tunnels in mountains of Iraq

 In photos: IS tunnels in mountains of Iraq

The Islamic State tunnels in the mountains of Iraq.

In photos: IS tunnels in mountains of Iraq
The Islamic State tunnels in the mountains of Iraq.

Salahuddin ( The Islamic State group dug several tunnels in the Iraqi territories, especially in the mountains areas, to be an effective method for hiding its members and storing weapons, Alalam News reported on Wednesday,

The length of some of the tunnels, which have been dug by the terrorist groups, reached dozens of kilometers, especially those found in Makhoul Mountains between Salahuddin and Kirkuk, north of Iraq.

Meanwhile, al-Hashd al-Shaabi’s Wa’d Allah Brigade revealed that the Islamic State was using these tunnels for monitoring the movement of security forces, hiding its members and storing weapons.

Leaders of al-Hashd al-Shaabi also pointed out to the importance of demolishing these tunnels, in order to cut off the main supply line of the Islamic State between Syria and Iraq.