Monday, September 23, 2024


Paramilitary troops liberate cemetery, village in western Mosul

 Paramilitary troops liberate cemetery, village in western Mosul

Al-Hashd al-Shaabi forces.

Al-Hashd al-Shaabi forces.
Mosul ( Pro-Iraqi government troops of al-Hashd al-Shaabi have declared liberating the cemetery in al-Hadar region as well as Tureitaa village in the north of the region, in western Mosul.

“The forces freed the cemetery in Hadar,” the media service of the paramilitary troops said on Thursday.

“The troops also liberated Tureitaa village in the northeast of Hadar,” the service added.

Earlier on Thursday, the troops advanced toward the center of Hadar to storm it.

The troops announced on Wednesday recapturing three villages of Im Kreiz, Ghanem al-Awwad and Harraj in al-Hadar.

The offensives, which entered its third day, resulted in retaking 17 villages and strategic areas as well as the archaeological area.

In the Old City, Federal Police announced the troops approach by 300 meters toward the Grand Nuri al-Kabir mosque, killing dozens of Islamic State militants.

Earlier this month, Iraqi troops claimed the recapture of 70 percent of the western region and that IS members were only in control over less than seven percent of territory in Iraq.

Eastern Mosul was retaken in January after three months of battles between Iraqi forces, backed by U.S.-led coalition and the paramilitary troops. A major offensive was launched in February to recapture the western side.