Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Islamic State execute 47 multinationals in Hawija, including members

 Islamic State execute 47 multinationals in Hawija, including members

Two men have been executed by firing squad by members of the Islamic State.

Two men have been executed by firing squad by members of the Islamic State.
Kirkuk (IraqiNew.com) Islamic State members executed 47 of their prisoners in Kirkuk’s Hawija on Monday, including 12 of their comrades, according to local sources in the province.

Those executed were of several Arab nationalities, according to the source, who added that the sentence was applied as per an order from the group’s so-called wali( mayor) of Hawija at al-Bakara airbase.

Militants filmed the execution, according to the source who did not explain the method of the execution.

IS members have been in control over Hawija, southwest of Kirkuk since 2014, when the group came to the scene, took over several Iraqi regions and proclaimed an Islamic “caliphate”.

Iraqi government forces, backed by a U.S.-led coalition and paramilitary troops, launched an offensive in October to retake the city of Mosul, Islamic State’s largest urban stronghold in Iraq. The Iraqi government is planning to aim at other IS havens across Iraq after Mosul. Iraqi generals have said Islamic State currently controls only less that seven percent of Iraq’s territories.

Since taking over Iraqi regions, Islamic State members have executed civilians, security personnel and many of its own members for various reasons ranging from collaboration with security forces to attempting to flee areas under the group’s control, poor performance in combat against Iraqi troops and violating the group’s extreme religious rules.