Friday, September 20, 2024


Armed conflict on women leaves casualties among Islamic State in Anbar

 Armed conflict on women leaves casualties among Islamic State in Anbar

Islamic State militants.

Islamic State militants.
Anbar ( An Islamic State member was killed, two others were injured in an armed conflict that occurred in al-Qaim city, west of Anbar province, over selecting Arab and foreign women from the group’s Jihadul Nikah (sexual jihad) division.

“An armed conflict lasted for more than an hour outside the group’s division headquarters after disputes occurred among the militants over selection of Arab and foreign women, who were transferred from Syria’s Raqqa to Qaim, west of Anbar,” a source told AlJournal News on Wednesday.

“The clashes left one member killed and two others injured, who were transferred then to house of an IS leader called Jabbar al-Hudheim in Qaim,” the source added. “Armed conflicts usually take place while bringing IS female members from one region to another, especially from Al-Bukamal and Raqqa in Syria. After selecting the females, every member takes US$400 and gets a house for them both from houses of police, army officers of the senior tribesmen in western regions.

Qaim was captured by the Islamic State in 2014. Thousands of civilians were besieged by the militants inside the city in order to be used as human shields.

IS still holds a few areas in Salahuddin, Diyala, Anbar and Kirkuk, but the Iraqi government, is expected to aim at those strongholds once the Mosul battle is concluded.